Grundy Archive

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  • DSC_2722.JPG

    This medal was awarded to Michael Dougherty for Bravery in Battle. The reverse side lists three locations—Cedar Creek, Winchester, and Jefferson, Virginia—and their respective dates, acknowledging Dougherty's involvement in those battles. It also recognizes his 23 months spent in Southern prisons during the Civil War. The front side of the medal bears Dougherty's name and commemorates his service with Company B, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry.

    The medal was presented by Colonel M. Kerwin, who later became a Brigadier General in the Fenian Brotherhood, explaining the different titles used for him in related documents
  • 22.070_072.jpg

    A small diary filled with poems, some of which are signed by Michael Dougherty, notes, drafts of letters, and a small amount of record-keeping notes. The diary contains a poem about the death of Colonel Edward D. Baker at Ball's Bluff, which ends with the attack on Fort Sumter on April 12th, 1861. It describes the early stages of the Civil War.
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    A handwritten diary that documents Michael’s time spent as a prisoner of war in Pemberton, Barrett's, Belle Isle, Libby, and Andersonville prisons up to his release. Michael was captured on October 12th, 1863, sent to Andersonville in March 1862, and was released at the end of the Civil War in 1865. The presence of ink and pencil suggests revisions were made to entries, possibly before the diary was published in 1908 with the help of his son Chas. A. Dougherty.
  • DSC_2700.JPG

    This kepi cap belonged to Michael Dougherty, a member of the Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.), has no visible insignia, making its specific date of use unclear. The manufacturer’s mark inside indicates it was made by Charles Naylor of Philadelphia. Caps like this were commonly worn during commemorative events by veterans of the Union Army.
  • GA.BH.23.3.1 Medal of Honor Certificate.jpg

    This certificate awards Michael Dougherty the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery during the Civil War. The action occurred on October 12, 1863, at Jefferson, VA, where Dougherty led a detachment that defended an unoccupied house against repeated enemy attacks. Originally awarded the Medal of Honor in 1897, Dougherty received a second medal and certificate in 1927. The ribbon from the 1897 Medal of Honor can be seen attached to the 1927 medallion. His superior, Colonel M. Kerwin, supported the petition for recognition, underscoring Dougherty's gallantry during the conflict.
  • GA.BH.23.3.2 Pension Certificate.jpg

    A pension certificate issued to Michael Dougherty, acknowledging his service during the Civil War and granting him a military pension. This reissue reflects that he was receiving a "special pension" as part of the Medal of Honor Roll. The certificate details his rank, service with Company B of the 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and the terms of his pension, highlighting Dougherty's post-war life and the government's recognition of his military service and sacrifices.
  • GA.BH.23.3.3 Naturalization Certificate.jpg

    This certificate acknowledges Michael Dougherty's intention to become a citizen of the United States. The document was issued by the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia, certifying his allegiance and fidelity to the U.S. government, detailing his residency, and confirming his intent to support the Constitution.
  • GA.BH.23.3.4 Marriage Certificate.jpg

    This duplicate marriage certificate documents the union of Michael Dougherty and Rose McGee, who were married on October 2, 1869. Created on May 2, 1908, by Rev. Maurice W. Fitzgerald at St. Mark’s Church in Bristol, Pennsylvania, the certificate records their long-standing marriage. Notably, both Michael’s and Rose’s last names are misspelled on the document.
  • GA.BH.23.3.5 Gettysburg 50th Anniversary Letter 01.jpg

    This handwritten letter, sent by Michael Dougherty to his daughter Sister M. Adolpha, details his visit to Gettysburg in July 1913 for the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. The letter includes reflections on his participation in the events, descriptions of the memorials and commemorations, and observations on the veterans' reunion. It offers a personal perspective on the gathering atmosphere and Dougherty's experience as a former soldier revisiting the historic battlefield. At an unknown date, someone marked the pages to correct spelling and added punctuation to the letters. The pages of the letter were also permanently laminated together.
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